POMPTON PLAINS, NJ - To pay tribute to fallen veterans, and the courageous men and women currently serving the country, the Cedar Crest community will wrap itself in red, white and blue for one-week. Members of the public can come and view this moving display of patriotism beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, May 20th.
On Tuesday, May 20th, at 11 a.m. the Cedar Crest community will come together for a special ceremony that will open the Cedar Crest Field of Honor project. Approximately 250 full-size American Flags, on eight-foot poles, will adorn the Cedar Crest main roadway as the flags will be spaced apart seven-feet and span the roadway for 1,100 feet. In addition, 72 of the eight-foot-tall full-size flags will carpet the grounds of the Village Square Clubhouse Lawn.
The flags were sold to Cedar Crest residents, staff and businesses in throughout the community to raise money for the non-profit organization Emmaus for Veterans, which assists returning veterans and their families struggling from various post-war affects.
At the Field of Honor Opening Ceremony at 11 a.m., New Jersey Assemblyman Scott Rumana will offer remarks, along with Pequannock Mayor Melissa Florance-Lynch and Tom Frodella Emmaus for Veterans.
Cedar Crest is located at One Cedar Crest Village Drive, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. Media interested in attending should go to Timber Ridge Parking Lot (security will assist). Please contact Tony Ciavolella for more information.
Contact: Tony Ciavolella
[email protected]
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