Nationwide Events to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11
Baltimore, Maryland -- Erickson Living residents and staff will never forget 9/11 and are planning a variety of events to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Upcoming events include:
Tallgrass Creek, Kansas -- Emergency Responders to be Recognized: On September 18, a local fire and ambulance crew that serves Tallgrass Creek, as well as campus safety staff and their families, will be guests for a special 9/11 recognition noontime brunch. During this special event, emergency responders will be honored and thanked for their dedication to service with a huge thank you card that will include handwritten comments and thanks from staff and residents. The outside of the card reads: "Overland Park Fire Department and Johnson County Med-Act, You are our HEROES everyday!" The inside reads: "Thank you for keeping us safe."
Greenspring, Virginia - Memorial Service: On 9/11 at 7:00 p.m. there will be an interfaith memorial service at the community. In addition, this week, Burke Patch is remembering 9/11 each day with memories and feature a survivor/someone affected by the tragedy. Greenspring resident Ellen Earhart, who was working at the Pentagon on 9/11, is being featured this week. She remembers exiting the Pentagon and stopping with others to pray in a stairwell; as she prayed, she recalls hands of others touching her shoulders, joining in on the prayers. To this day, loud sounds make her jump. However, she believes she was saved that day in order to help others.
Ashby Ponds, Virginia - Memorial Service: On 9/11 at 10:00 a.m. there will be an interfaith memorial service with time for residents to share memories. A 9/11 first responder will be attending the service to speak about his experience. He is the son-in-law of a resident and was part of the Fairfax County Urban Search and Rescue team; he spent a week at the Pentagon after the attacks with his rescue colleagues.
Linden Ponds, Massachusetts -- Memorial Service: On 9/11 at 3:30 p.m. an interfaith service will be held featuring Chris Beukman, Worship Leader; Helen Seager, Chorale Director; The Linden Ponds Chapel Chorale, and Ian Brown, Linden Ponds Executive Director.
Brooksby Village, Massachusetts -- Memorial Service: On 9/11, at 2:30 p.m. there will be a special interfaith service in the chapel. During the service, residents will have the opportunity to share their stories and memories around the impact of 9/11 events, as well as view videos/pictures related to events surrounding this historic day.
Charlestown, Maryland - 9/11 Reflections: Residents and staff of Charlestown retirement community, along with public officials from Catonsville, will observe the Tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. The event will occur on Friday, September 9th at 11:00 a.m. in the Erickson Conference Center, located in the Cross Creek Station clubhouse. Scheduled to offer reflections are Captain John Spiroff of the Baltimore County Police Department, Wilkens Precinct, Captain Dan Brinkley of the Catonsville Fire Department and State Delegate Jim Malone. Additionally, a Charlestown employee, who served as a paramedic for the New York City Fire Department, will offer her memories of the aftermath of the attack.
Oak Crest, Maryland - Remembrance Ceremony: On 9/11 at 7:00 p.m. residents of Oak Crest will gather in Crestview Hall to remember 9/11. The event is being coordinated by the Pastoral Ministries Department at Oak Crest and will feature patriotic music, prayer and reflection.
Riderwood, Maryland - Remembrance Ceremony: On 9/11 at 11:00 a.m., residents of Riderwood will participate in a special worship service to commemorate the 9/11 anniversary.
Eagle's Trace, Texas - Remembrance Ceremony: On 9/11 at 2:00 p.m.residents and staff will gather in the Audubon Living Room for a 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony, coordinated by Pastoral Ministries. The ceremony will be a combination of hymns, scripture readings and a reflection offered by Mary Kate Kell, Pastoral Ministries Coordinator.
Highland Springs, Texas -- A Time to Remember: On 9/11 at 4:00 p.m. residents, staff and special guest will participate in a special 9/11 Recognition Program. The event, coordinated by the Interfaith Advisory Council, is entitled, "A Time to Remember 9/11 --- the 10thAnniversary," and will feature hymns, patriotic music and a reflection presented by Lil Smith, Pastoral Ministries Coordinator, based on the theme of "Tear Drops." The program will also include a special video, "Ground Zero Spirituality."
Seabrook, New Jersey - Remembrance and Hope Ceremony: On 9/11 at 3:30 p.m. a special Remembrance and Hope Ceremony will be held for residents, staff and special guests to pay tribute to the nearly 3,000 people lost in the attacks on 9/11. This special event will include a timeline of the attacks being recounted, emergency responders being recognized and an interfaith program, with the message of hope and faith. A taped message of hope and faith from U.S. Congressman Rush Holt will be played, as well as a short video showing how the world has changed and how hope lives for everyone. There will also be a reading of a poem that was written in honor of the son of a resident who was a member of the FDNY, killed in the attacks.
Cedar Crest, New Jersey - Night of Lights: The community will light 250 luminaries, which will be lined up along the roadways throughout the community and lit on Monday, September 12. This will be preceded by a small worship service in front of the Village Square Clubhouse. The luminaries will all be lit by 8:30 p.m. and last for approximately 10 hours.
Ann's Choice, Pennsylvania - The community's Interfaith Council created an uplifting and music-rich DVD to air on the in-house Channel 5 starting 9/11 and throughout the week. It consists of an introduction by Peter Cataldi, resident life director, as well as prayers from members of the Council and others.