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Oak Crest Resident Is "Talking to You" With First Book

February 17, 2014

PARKVILLE, MD---Ray Dunton loves technology as much as anyone.  He owns a cell phone and computer, and he utilized video equipment throughout his career.
In recent years, though, the Baltimore native couldn't help but notice how these gadgets have changed the way people relate. 
"I'm reminded of the quote by Albert Einstein that 'technology will surpass our human interaction,'" stated Mr. Dunton, a resident of Oak Crest retirement community.
Mr. Dunton has transformed one of his favorite hobbies, writing, into his first professionally published book that explores this dichotomy.   I'm Talking to You About Thought-Provoking Events and Places is a book of essays, short stories and poetry.
"I decided to have some of my writing copyrighted and while I was doing that I thought, 'I might as well compile everything into a book,'" said Mr. Dunton. "It contains essays about events that I was involved in and things that happened during my life.  There are also poems I've written about getting in touch with nature, yourself and other people."
Mr. Dunton honed his writing skills in his free time through courses offered at local community colleges, writing whenever inspiration would strike.
"I keep a pen and paper beside my bed and I write whenever an idea comes to me," said Mr. Dunton. "If I see or hear something interesting then I'll sit down and try to expand on it."
His heartfelt poetry sheds light on the miracles of everyday life that often go unnoticed in today's digital age.  He explores his thoughts on nature through poems like: "A Spring Day," and an essay, "By the Lake," about Oak Crest's Lake Victoria. 
Mr. Dunton hopes the book will "inspire people to look up from their phones to experience the real world in real time---and then share that experience with another human, face-to-face.  That's one of the things I stress in the beginning of the families have changed because of technology.  It's about finding balance."
"The interesting thing about writing is you may know where you want to end up, but the challenge is knowing how to get there," noted Mr. Dunton. "It's a little like driving a car---although you might know your destination, it's the details that ultimately get you there.  The only difference is with writing you want those details to be interesting and part of the adventure."
I'm Talking to You About Thought-Provoking Events and Places is available in hardback, paperback and e-book at, Barnes and Noble and

About Oak Crest:  Oak Crest is one of seventeen continuing care retirement communities managed by Erickson Living.  Located in Parkville, Maryland, the scenic 87-acre campus is home to more than 2,100 residents.  Oak Crest is the ideal greater Baltimore retirement destination offering a true sense of community, convenience beyond compare and a sensible financial structure.

