SILVER SPRING, MD (April 12, 2012) - Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes (D-3rd District) this week spoke to nearly 100 Riderwood residents about what is at stake in the upcoming November 6 General Election.
Because of redistricting, Sarbanes will be representing those Riderwood residents who live in Montgomery County, according to the Democratic Club of Riderwood, which invited the Congressman to speak at its April meeting.
Sarbanes held a Q&A session with residents after his remarks. He then participated in an impromptu RWTV interview with Mel Tansill, Riderwood's Public Affairs Manager, in which he outlined his positions on several issues, among them:
- Health Care: " We must follow through on health care reform so that all Americans have the opportunity to see a doctor when they need one."
- Secure Retirement: "We owe it to our seniors and future retirees to keep Social Security and Medicare strong. Those programs are among the most successful in history and have provided dignity in retirement for millions of Americans.
- Education: "We must reign in the skyrocketing costs of higher education and provide a career path for every aspiring young person." Sarbanes said he worked in Congress to establish loan forgiveness programs that make student debt more manageable. "Education is the key to the American dream," he said.
The Congressman also toured the campus with Riderwood Executive Director Chip Warner and Erickson Government Affairs Director Scott Sawicki and he was given a demonstration of the Electronic Medical Records system by Dr. Gene Machado, Riderwood's Medical Director.