Brooksby Village has promoted Stan Yeakel of Boxford, MA to the position of Director of General Services at Brooksby Village in Peabody, MA.
Prior to this promotion, he was Sr. Facilities Manager at Brooksby Village overseeing the Maintenance & Engineering Department.
For 16 years Yeakel was also a Development Director where his responsibilities included regional development, design, construction, and budgets, contract and staff management at communities including Brooksby Village and Linden Ponds in Hingham, MA.
Brooksby Village has three large clubhouses featuring an on-site medical center, staffed by full-time doctors, five restaurants, two convenience stores, two beauty parlors, a TV studio, a swimming pool, activity rooms, classrooms, game rooms and even two branches of a bank. Residents also have the opportunity to take part in hundreds of different clubs and activities. The community also has its own Interfaith Chapel on campus.